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Programs in Education

Global Health Research Methods Workshop

A two-day intensive workshop that provides a basic overview and introduction to developing research skills applicable to global health.

Worskhop Overview

The workshop aims to provide a basic overview and roadmap to help people interested in conducting global health research develop their study question into a concept note that can form the basis for a study proposal. Fundable global health research proposals require a scientifically sound approach to answer a high-value question within a competitive budget envelope. The workshop focuses on essential skills to develop a competitive proposal and budget, including how to approach global health research opportunities, how to engage with collaborators, consideration of sample size, and analytical approach.

Note: Unfortunately, we are unable to offer travel grants to people participating in the workshop.

Instructor and Target Audience

Steve Luby, MD, Director of Research, Center for Innovation in Global Health, teaches this course for Stanford* School of Medicine fellows, residents, medical students, faculty, and researchers interested in developing research skills applicable to global health.

*Individuals outside of Stanford may apply, but preference is given to Stanford affiliates due to space limitations.


1. Introduce participants to key issues in research proposal development.

2. Promote the development of participants’ research interests into tractable research questions.

3. Provide a set of tools and an approach to support development of global health research proposals.

2024 Global Health Research Methods Workshop

Course Schedule

  • Dates: November 19 and 21, 2024
  • Time: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Location: Stanford Campus, room TBD


Contact Ola Alani,

Apply by October 27, 2024